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🏋️‍♂️ 10 Best barbell biceps exercises for supersized growth

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Ahhh, spring is in the air! The days are getting longer, and it's starting to turn beautiful outside. But it's perfectly fine if you still want to spend an hour or four inside the gym.

Here’s what’s in today’s newsletter:

  • Work your abs on your feet with cable exercises

  • The best ways to use a barbell for bigger biceps

  • BarBend’s Strength Weekly podcast talks about the Arnold Classic UK

Core Workouts

The Case for Cables

Credit: Skydive Erick / Shutterstock

Is your ab routine stuck in a neverending cycle of sit-ups and leg raises with diminishing returns? Well, get off your back and head to the nearest cable machine because it’s time to start training abs like a bipedal animal with the gift of an upright stance.

Cables offer plenty of options to train your abs in ways you may not have been exposed to before if you only use calisthenics. Moves like chops, presses, and standing crunches make training your abs a joy, especially when compared to spending 10 ho-hum minutes on an old gym mat.

It’s time to stand on your own two feet and find the best cable ab workouts below.

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Exercise Tips

Pass the Bar Exam

Credit: @RosannaPansino / Giphy

Barbells and biceps are like peanut butter and jelly (or maybe chicken and rice). But with all the fancy machines and training methods available on The World Wide Web, sometimes it’s easy to forget about your 45-pound friend on arm day.

To kick your biceps up a notch, we’ve got 10 barbell arm exercises below that’ll make your summer physique beach-ready in no time. 

The basics are the basics for a reason, and exercises like the barbell curl are among the best when it comes to building the foundational muscle you need for impressive arms. If you need some extra oomph to get your peaks pumped up properly, you can get fancy by taking your hands out wide or using a drag curl.

However you choose to go, make sure you're near a mirror when you blast these exercises to have a front-row seat to witness your arms expand to infinity.


Hadi Freakin’ Choopan

Credit: BarBend

Don't let your eyes mistake this headline for a discussion of the works of Polish composer FrĂ©dĂ©ric Chopin. Bodybuilder Hadi Choopan's art form is creating one of the most muscular physiques on the planet, and BarBend's Strength Weekly podcast dives into his recent dominance at the Arnold Classic UK. And yes, his win at this show came mere weeks after his victory at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.

Other topics on the pod include Mitchell Hooper’s thoughts on the advantages of being less fat in strongman and the injury that took Mattie Rogers out of the Olympic hunt.

Everything Else

Two Icons Collide

Credit: @Schwarzenegger / Instagram

  • Never two to shy away from a chance to flex, Arnold Schwarzenegger put on a show by working out with fellow seven-time Olympia winner Phil Heath.

  • Danielle Brandon, one of CrossFit's more boisterous stars, is releasing a new documentary about her life. You can watch Danielle Brandon Energy on YouTube on March 27, but be sure to read our thoughts on it first.

  • To understand the essence of “farmer’s strength,” you need to master the most guttural lift of them all: the farmer’s carry. Load it hard and head out into some pastoral beauty.