🏋️ 10 ways cardio will boost your health

To some, Wednesday is just a hump day. To us, it’s another opportunity to get those glorious gains. And since ButcherBox is sponsoring today’s newsletter, you’ll have no trouble finding high-quality protein to power hypertrophy!

Here’s what we’ve got in store:

  • Ten great benefits of doing regular cardio.

  • Eleven easy recovery tips for lifters over 40.

  • An awesome new prize title at the Shaw Classic.


How Cardio Can Improve Your Health

Woman running on treadmill

Image: Day of Victory Studio

Look, we know you might not be the biggest fan of cardio. We’re also self-aware enough to understand we usually discuss how to get stronger by lifting heavy weights. But you’re missing out if you’re not implementing some kind of cardio into your training routine. And even if you do plenty of cardio already, it’s still good to understand how it helps your body.

No matter what kind of cardio you’ll consider — running, a stationary bike, Zumba — it all presents wonderful benefits. From improved sleep to better mental health, here’s our guide on how cardio can make you happier and healthier.

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Training Tips

Best Paths For Older Athletes’ Recovery

Older man with beard prepares to perform squat

Image: Olena Yakobchuk on Shutterstock

As our bodies get older, they start to betray us more. Whoever first said age is just a number has clearly never tried to stand up quickly after sitting with bad posture. This could also apply to how we exercise. It’ll be a lot harder to recover from that five-mile run and two-hour lifting session on the same day the more revolutions we make around the sun.

It doesn’t have to be all difficult. If you’re older — say, nearing or past the age of 40 —and want to keep up with your fitness, we’ve got some tips on how you can recover faster.

For one, maybe you don’t have to push until failure on every set. Also, soreness doesn’t necessarily mean your workout did what you wanted. (Gasp) It’s small adjustments like this in thinking that will go a long way.


Brian Shaw Adds Prestige To Shaw Classic

Brian Shaw with two circular dumbbells in hand

Image: @shawstrength on Instagram

The Shaw Classic was already a notable contest in the strongman calendar. A legend like Brian Shaw organizing the competition gave it that status by default. With the latest contest looming in Colorado next month, Shaw recently gave his personal project a lot more pizzaz.

Earlier this week, Shaw revealed he had acquired the trademark of “The Strongest Man on Earth” to award as a prize for future winners of the Shaw Classic. It’s a nifty little development that adds gravitas to a contest already drawing the attention of various strongman champions and superstars.

As Shaw starts transitioning toward his own retirement, it’s clear he’s got a few masterstrokes up his sleeve to help the sport grow.

Everything Else

Flex Lewis’s Lofty Endorsement of Derek Lunsford

Derek Lunsford smiling with 2021 physique

Image: @_dereklunsford on Instagram