🏋️‍♂️ 3 secrets to a bigger chest

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Here’s what’s in store in today’s edition:

  • How to train for a thick chest

  • Snack on these protein-heavy treats

  • Pre-workouts for the CrossFit crowd


Timeless Muscle


Charles Glass, known as the Godfather of bodybuilding, is well-versed in muscle development and growth. In the article below, we’ll explore his secrets to creating a thick, full-looking chest.

Turns out Glass likes two things: variety and failure. Using techniques like drop sets, he wants you to push your muscles to, and even past, the point of no return to really excite all those fibers. To avoid the kiss of death (a.k.a lack of progress), he also wants you to mix things up in your chest training to avoid stagnation.

When Charles Glass talks about building muscle, you need to open your ears and take out your notebooks. If you’ve always wanted a more developed chest, school is in session.

A Message From The Rundown AI

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Plus, complete the quiz after signing up and they’ll recommend the best AI tools, guides, and courses – tailored to your needs.


Lookin’ Like a Snack

Credit: @TCM / Giphy

Snacking is usually seen as an activity that is deleterious to body composition and health. Lucky for you, this is an absolutely outdated view of nutrition, and our experts have 14 foods that make snacking a source of protein bliss instead of a guilty pleasure.

Classic poppable foods like hardboiled eggs and trail mix are simple and keep your macro trends headed in the right direction. More dedicated eaters may also like to keep a fridge full of cottage cheese and Greek yogurt to help them through the long hours between lunch and dinner. Whatever your choice of protein, our team has you covered with these options.


For the Pre-WOD Period

The needs of the CrossFit athlete are different than those of a strength-focused powerlifter or a maniacally hypertrophic bodybuilder. Those differences include what you might need in a pre-workout before heading to your favorite box to reel off some snatches and box jumps.

In our rundown of the best pre-workout brands for CrossFitters, we’ve thoroughly each one with the help of a panel of nutrition, supplement, and CrossFit experts. These aren’t all exclusively hipster brands (as some naysayers may suggest, given the title), with stalwart companies like Optimum Nutrition making the list.

You can choose from a variety of caffeinated and non-caffeinated pre-workouts to suit your temperament, as well as a cacophony of flavors to tailor your shaker bottle explicitly to your taste buds. Pop on over to the article below to get you ready for your next CrossFit workout.

Everything Else

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