🏋️‍♂️ 3 tips to get lean in 2024

We don't know who needs to hear this, but it's officially time to stop wishing people a "Happy New Year."

With that out of the way, here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  • Three tips for New Year’s weight loss

  • How to manage your bulking goals

  • Set up a weekly fitness routine (and stick to it)

New Year’s Resolutions (A)

The Cutting Edge

Credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to get leaner, but according to fitness influencer Jeremy Ethier, it’s also the most common goal that people tend to abandon. It’s time to change that with a little help from science.

Ethier recently took to his YouTube channel to outline three science-backed steps to lean out for 2024. First, you’ll have to possess or acquire some stick-to-itiveness because the best diet and workout routines in the world will amount to nothing if you constantly veer off course. Next, you must tweak your diet and activity levels by eating filling, nutritious food and incorporating simple activities into your everyday life. (Spoiler: Walking is a big part of the plan.)

You can still stack the odds in your favor and beat the house, but you’ll need a plan. Learn the full scope of Ethier’s three tips below.

New Year’s Resolutions (B)

The Incredible Bulk

Credit: @boomerangtoons / Giphy

Maybe, instead of dropping pounds, you want to get even bigger for 2024. While you get to eat a lot more food than your weight-reducing brethren, many find the grass is not always greener on the other side, and backsliding is just as easy.

It turns out that you need just as much preparation and forethought to get bigger as you do to get smaller, and you will need to succumb to the knowledge that there is an intentional way to bulk up quickly and safely.

The backbone of a proper bulking plan is the caloric surplus, so you can start by doing the opposite of the cutting crowd: Lower the amount of physical activity you get and make a conscious choice to eat whether you’re hungry or not. If you have a hard time stuffing food down your face, why not blend everything up and shotgun it in liquid form? (You can also just drizzle ranch dressing on everything you increase your calories.)

Bulking is, rather secretly, the harder end of the spectrum. Learn more about it below.


Plan to Succeed

Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

It’s time to stop walking into the gym without a plan, walking out feeling like you didn’t accomplish anything, and waking up the next day realizing you’ve wasted your time. Grab a pen and some paper and learn how to create the ultimate weekly workout schedule.

The first thing you have to figure out is your primary goal. Do you want to run a marathon or add two inches to your back? These things don’t usually go together. From there, you’ll need to determine your time demands, split preference, ability to recover, and exercise selection (to name a few).

It may sound daunting, but there’s no need to be intimidated. It’s all laid out for you right here in the guide below. 

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The Spirit B52 supports over 80 movements, targeting every muscle group so you can get a full workout no matter what space you have available.

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Everything Else

Bumstead’s Grocery Gains

Credit: Chris Bumstead / YouTube