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- 4 lat pulldown alternatives for a better back
4 lat pulldown alternatives for a better back
Here’s what we’ve got for you today:
Lat pulldown flaws (and how to fix them)
A bodybuilder’s top tip for arm training
The latest on Jeff Nippard and Mike Van Wyck
Exercise Tips
Rethink the Pulldown
Sure, they look simple, but lat pulldowns are a tough movement to get right. The biggest culprit is when people miss out on the superior stretch potential at the top half of the lift, which is something Arnold Schwarzenegger warned us about decades ago in his original Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. If anything, most people wind up fatiguing their biceps long before they tax their lats.
To make better use of the lengthened position of the lats, Dr. Mike Israetel suggests these four replacement exercises to explore new avenues for back growth (and doing them will actually make your lat pulldown training better when you return to it).
For example, the classic lat pullover is an amazing high-stretch lat exercise, as is its cable-based cousin, the straight-arm lat pulldown. Pull-ups can also help work the lat stretch position deeper, coaxing your muscles into growing just a little bit more. The lat pulldown isn’t a bad exercise by any metric, but these alternatives will give your wings even more room to fly.
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Arm Training
One Big Thing for Two Big Heads
With the use of slightly more profanity than the BarBend style guide allows, retired IFBB pro bodybuilder Seth Feroce has a, nonetheless, profound message to share about arm training: Simpler is better.
In the article below, Feroce lays out his arm training day, dripping with the essence of his overall training philosophy that hard work beats fancy-schmancy high-mindedness every day of the week. There is also some detailed, non-motivational context given, like how Feroce likes to vary his grips and feels that the hammer curl is the rock on which the church of his arms is built.
He also shows off some impressive one-armed dips, proving that, with blistering intensity, your arms are capable of extreme development.
The Latest on Jeff Nippard
In what may be a bizarre case of internet rage spilling over into real life, or a spirited dispute between training methods turning sour, video shows fitness influencer Jeff Nippard allegedly being assaulted by fellow social media star Mike Van Wyck.
Following a back-and-forth argument on Instagram, Nippard and Van Wyck encountered each other at Pure Muscle + Fitness, a popular gym in Ontario, Canada. Nippard claims — and a video by a third influencer, Jeff Twinem, seems to corroborate — that Van Wyck “jabbed” him in the throat at least twice. Local authorities are involved in an official investigation into the matter, but as of publication, no charges have been filed. Get all the details below.
Everything Else
Legs and Wrists
Leg training is essential to success for IFBB pros like John Jewett. Here, he shares the single worst mistake most bodybuilders make when it comes to lower-body training.
Wrist training might not always be the most talked-about thing at the gym’s water cooler, but with these nine variations, your forearms will soon be the talk of all the office gossip.
Promising a protein-rich alternative to a home-cooked meal, BarBend reviews the new Huel Black Edition plant-based meal replacement powder.