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🏋️‍♂️ 5 ways to stay fit during thanksgiving

Whether you’re actually working or just phoning it in until 5:00, take a well-deserved break to gobble up some top-notch fitness and nutrition advice.

Here’s everything you need to know heading into Turkey Day:

  • Science-based advice to keep fit during Thanksgiving.

  • Try Chris Hemsworth’s five-day gym routine.

  • How to use a massage gun the right way.


A Different Kind of Turkey Trot

Credit: @JuliaChild / Giphy

Thanksgiving is a time of stressful travel and gut-busting hedonism, but that doesn’t mean all your hard work leading up to the holiday needs to be dashed against the rocks of surplus calories. All you have to do is use the five scientifically backed methods to maintain your gains that we’ve compiled in the article below.

Before grandma gets under center for your Turkey Bowl, it won’t hurt to knock out some lunges and push-ups. Carbs got you down? Load up and prepare your body for even more intense post-travel training. Even a simple post-dinner walk can make a huge difference.

Taking time to fit a workout into your family’s schedule will impress everyone and keep you on track to hit your end-of-year goals. Enough of the appetizers — check out the meat of the article below.

Workout Routines

Wield Thor’s HammerStrength

Credit: Giphy

No matter what kind of relationship you’re in, whether through envy or desire, you can bet your significant other spends time thinking about Chris Hemsworth.

You may not be able to replicate the actor’s bone structure or easy-going Australian charm, but you can learn how to do Hemsworth’s five-day workout routine. (Hey, it’s a start.)

To achieve the muscular body needed to play Thor, Hemsworth uses a traditional bodybuilding split, with a lot of attention placed on bodyweight movements (just trying to match his pull-up intensity will be a challenge for anybody who doesn’t have their own Marvel franchise).

Hemsworth’s consistency with training and diet made him one of the highest-paid actors in the world. What can it do for you?


Percussive Force

Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock

The massage gun has gone from joke to gym staple in a frighteningly short period of time. Surpassing even the foam roller in ubiquity, none of the cool kids would be caught dead without one in their gym bag nowadays.

Of course, the devil is always in the details, and you still need to know how to use your massage gun properly to really reap its benefits. As simple as it sounds, applying pressure with a massage gun needs to be done with care and thought. Rattling a bony area will offer more harm than relief.

The pinpoint accuracy of the massage gun is beneficial for working out a specifically tight area, but it can also lead to laziness if you don’t pay attention to your technique. Grab your massager and follow the instructions below to get the most out of your favorite recovery method.

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