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🏋️‍♂️ 6 tips to boost your grip strength

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by Lifeforce. Formulated by world-renowned experts in dietary supplement formulation, ingredient discovery, and safety, Lifeforce’s advanced line of nutraceuticals is built for impact you can see, feel, and measure.

Here’s what’s coming at you in this edition:

  • A look at one of the strongest squatters of all time.

  • The best magnesium-rich foods for energy.

  • Surefire ways to improve grip strength.


Best Legs in the Biz

Credit: @TomPlatz on Instagram

There are plenty of debates over which bodybuilders throughout history had the best arms, back, symmetry, or conditioning. But there is never any debate when it comes to legs. For his massive lower body, Tom Platz is unmatched.

Known as the “Quadfather,” Platz also had plenty of bite to back up all the barking his legs did. As one of the strongest bodybuilders to ever step on stage, his power was as unique as his quad girth.

His career is highlighted by an epic 1992 squat-off against Dr. Fred Hatfield, where Platz hit an astonishing 23 reps with 525 pounds across his back. Most of all, Platz’s mindset and almost spiritual dedication to intense leg training set him apart in an already quixotic arena.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Master of Magnesium

Credit: Antonina Vlasova / Shutterstock

Of all the energy drinks, pre-workouts, stims, and supplements you take, one tiny dietary omission may be holding you back from peak performance on training days: Magnesium.

Magnesium supplementation is traditionally used to improve heart and bone health and as a sleep aid. It is also important for athletes to take note that magnesium helps with the production of energy required for bursts of strength (and, likewise, these movements drain the magnesium from your body like a Zubaz-wearing gym vampire).

This is all to say that anyone who trains hard needs more magnesium to fuel their high-energy workouts than the average person, and at least 56% of regular Americans don’t even get enough of it. See how magnesium can help energize your workouts.


Get a Grip

Credit: Giphy

Having a strong grip is useful in every sport, is never a liability in day-to-day life, and has positive correlations to increased longevity. If you can’t hold onto it, you lose it.

You can certainly run out and buy a nail-bending set or get a job wrangling wild horses to boost your grip strength, but there are far easier ways to integrate this vital element of strength into your (no doubt) already busy gym routine.

Sometimes, it’s as simple as adding farmer’s carries into your routine or even just focusing on more time under tension during pull-ups and deadlifts. Ten minutes of work and you’ve already done a world of good for your physical performance. Here are a few more ways to strengthen your grip.

Everything Else

How Many Shakes Does It Take?

Credit: Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock

  • Given an endless supply of high-quality food, you might pass on the convenience of throwing a shaker bottle full of protein powder into your gym bag. Since real life is different than fantasy-land life, let’s get a firm grip on how many shakes you should be scarfing down each day.

  • The fork may have run away with the knife and the spoon, but the plate went to the gym to get a sick pump on. Learn all about the culinary way to build your shoulders and upper back with the plate raise.

  • The hottest topic in fitness is the cold plunge (coldest topic?). Check out the benefits of one of the top cold plunge models and get ready for some Netflix and a serious chill.