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🏋️‍♂️ hate sit-ups? try these 10 alternatives

Today’s newsletter is presented by Wildgrain. If you want to carb up with delicious sourdough bread and fresh pasta delivered right to your door, there’s no better place to start than with a membership to Wildgrain. And right now, you can take advantage of free croissants for life when you sign up!

Here’s what’s happening in the world today:

  • The best alternatives to sit-ups

  • A look at WWE Superstar Natalya Neidhhart’s fitness regime

  • We break down a new scientific study on holiday weight gain


Abs for Days

Credit: Reshetnikov_art / Shutterstock

It’s time to leave sit-ups where they belong: back in the ‘80s, along with Cliff Clavin and head-to-toe spandex. These 10 alternatives to the dreaded sit-up will blast your core harder than supine trunk raises and help you develop proper core stabilization while you’re at it.

For starters, front and side planks let your ab muscles hold your torso steady and can be invaluable for overall core strength. You can get more kinetic by turning that front plank into a bird dog to really force your stomach to grip and keep you from falling over. Or, if you simply must bring two points together to make a triangle, you can benefit from greater recruitment with a hanging leg raise. 

The time is officially abs o’clock — and it’s time to punch in for work.

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Here's the best part: When you become a Wildgrain member today, you'll unlock free croissants for life. Yep, you read that right. It's a delicious offer that's too good to pass up. 

Celebrity Workouts

Hart Attack

Credit: @natbynature / Instagram

The search for the best fitness program there is, the best fitness program there was, and the best fitness program there ever will be can be a lifelong pursuit. But WWE Superstar Natalya Neidhart has come pretty close to achieving perfection, thanks to her years spent tinkering in the gym and learning to listen to her body. And she recently spoke to BarBend about how her revamped training regimen has helped her become a better in-ring performer and an all-around healthier athlete.

During her formative years in the wrestling business, Neidhart fell face-first into the pitfalls of overtraining and overly strict dieting. Now, wiser and stronger, she understands the importance of her health, in addition to the chiseled look and level of athleticism needed for her career of choice. 

From some strategic recovery tips to a sample workout that will put you through your paces, you can learn a few tricks from this future WWE Hall of Famer below.  

Weight Loss

Trim the Tree

Credit: @Freeform / Giphy

Not only did a recent study (unsurprisingly) find that people tend to gain weight over the holidays — it asserts that, for some, the holiday season can account for over 50 percent of total yearly weight gain. The good news is that the study also came up with seven simple tips for helping you avoid disaster while still allowing you to indulge in a moderate amount of Christmas cheer. 

For starters, you might want to think about turning to a healthier snack option while watching A Muppet Christmas Carol, or maybe taking a walk before delving into Miracle on 34th St. You could also just eat a healthy, filling dinner before binging on Die Hard to avoid the mindless munching that comes with watching Hans Gruber’s X-Mas dreams fall apart due to that pesky New York cop. 

Whatever tactic works best for you, come up with a plan and implement it to avoid adding unwanted pounds to your holiday agenda.

Everything Else

The Canadian Maple?

Credit: Mitchell Hooper / YouTube